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Adult SUmmer kickball SCHEDULE

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regular season

double headers

week 1: thot dogs 6-8pm

week 2: one kick at a time 7-9pm

week 3: big kick energy 7-9pm

week 4: kickaholics anonymous 7-9pm

week 5: rubber busters 7-9pm

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because the 8pm game was stopped early, the 'kick-a-holics" were not allow an equal number of outs as 'better late than never'. We are doing our best to reschedule the final 3 outs of this game to make it entirely fair.

for now the game will be considered an '8-to-8 draw' until a winner can be determined.

as of now we are waiting to see when the green field is available; chances are week 3, week 4 or week 5 is when the reschedule will happen. we will talk in person and keep the captains updated best we can!

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game of the week!


because we have an odd number of teams, some will play double-headers to ensure every team gets to play every week.

*In order to keep the standings even, one game of the double-header will be an 'exhibition game' for that team. 'Exhibition' games for the double-header team will not count towards their teams overall record.  (see schedule below)

Example: week 1 'Thot dogs' plays 'one kick at a time' at 7pm. The game will count in standings for 'one kick at a time' but will not count for 'thot dogs' as it is part of their double-header (an exhibition for them).

This is the best solution we found to keep things fair while offering more games.


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